Far as I can tell, someone wrote:
> I'd like to be able to come closer to the stuff you buy in the stores.
Which stores? Tom Thumb? 7-11?
You can prolly buy it at the supermarket in a box.
A real cappuccino from a real coffee shop? Well...
Making cappuccino is not a recipe. It requires freshly properly roasted, properly
ground quality coffee beans. The beans have to be ground with a controllable burr
grinder to a size whereby the full flavor can be extracted from the coffee grounds,
an espresso maker capable of forcing hot water through the grounds under pressure and
the ability to steam milk into a froth.
A cappuccino is made by first making espresso. Then adding frothed (steamed) milk.
There is NO other way.
So the truth is... and I know this because I own a coffee bar and have been making
coffee drinks for lots of years. In order to make a cappuccino at home, you have to
spend a lot of money and practive for a lot of time to get it right.
Yes, there are shortcuts, but they ALWAYS make for worse coffee.
Go to alt.coffee and read for a few days. After a few days, if you are still
interested, aska few questions. They are experts. REAL experts. You will soon see
that making a cap is no easy task, but you can do it if you really really want to.