Or Colorado City, AZ?
Remember GOD told you that you needed another wife!
Bart D. Hull
Tempe, Arizona
Check http://www.inficad.com/~bdhull/engine.html
for my Subaru Engine Conversion
for Tango II I'm building.
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Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sat 26 Mar 2005 11:02:57a, Damsel in dis Dress wrote in
> rec.food.cooking:
>>Wayne Boatwright >, if that's their real name,
>>>On Sat 26 Mar 2005 10:48:59a, Damsel in dis Dress wrote in
>>>>Crash and I are actually VERY informal. When we belch and say, "Excuse
>>>>me," the non-belcher reassures the belcher, "That's okay, you'll do
>>>>better next time." A really GOOD belch yields this comment, "Very
>>>>Carol ::burp::
>>>This lady has class!
>>Which is why you married me. Wait! That was supposed to be a secret.
>>Sorry, Dumplin'.
> Now we're going to have to move to Utah!