On 20 Mar 2005 10:18:16 -0800, krusty kritter wrote:
>> I think it is great, but it is also for the non-experts that already
>> know how to cook good tasting Mexican food even if it is made
>> in NY City.
> New York City??? LOL. Reminds me of the Pace picante sauce
> commercial...
I think that he who has been KF'ed isn't aware of the huge number
of Mexicans living in NYC. Virtually all supermarkets here have
large sections dedicated to Mexican foods. Which reminds me,
earlier today I bought a package of CHARRAS Tostada Chipotle. I
don't know how accurate their slogan is ("El Real Sabor Mexicano")
but it *was* imported from Mexico and I prefer it to other brands
I've previously tried.