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Default Plaice: recipe wanted

MEow writes:

>While frolicking around in, MrAoD of AOL
> said:
>>>I have two whole plaice in my refrigerator, but no idea how to cook
>>>it, since I don't want to just cut them into filets, coat them, and
>>>fry them.

>>May we assume that the plaice (sole/flounder for da Merkins in da house)

>>been beheaded, gutted, and/or skinned?

>They've been gutted, but nothing else.

Skin on?
>>Also, how long have they been in your refrigerator? Two-three days max,
>>otherwise you may as well compost them.

>I bought them today, and plan to cook them tomorrow.

Sorry I'm a bit tardy in my reply but . . .

>They're about 0,5 kg combined
>( should convert to
>your local units)

Two weighing in at a little over a pound? Kinda small but . . .
>I'll have to admit that I've never stuffed food before (unless you
>count stuffing it into my mouth), so I'd appreciate it if you could
>tell me how to do that

Most terse explanation I found since it's 5:30 am local and I haven't had
enough coffee to explain on my own:

"Slice each flounder on the dark side down the middle. Slice toward the sides
making a pocket under the meat large enough to place the seafood stuffing."

"Dark side" I take to refer to the top of the fish - dark skin - not the belly.
Cut along the center bone on either side, not all the way to the end of the
fish. Run your knife towards the edges, under the top filet but above the
ribs. Cut through the ribs on one side and remove center bone and the
remaining attached rib bones, then remove the detached rib bones. Pair of
needle nosed pliers works wonders.

Then just roll your stuffing into an oval and slide into the resulting pocket.

As for stuffings, florentine (spinach, ricotta or sour cream, and mushrooms)
comes to mind. Also, what Dmitri said . . .

