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Michael Horowitz
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Default All can recipies?

Frogleg > wrote:

>On Fri, 09 Jan 2004 09:14:43 +1300, Miche >
>> Michael Horowitz > wrote:
>>> Is anyone aware of a site describing meals prepared entirely from
>>> cans?
>>> I have a lot of recipies which start of "brown some meat"; that's not
>>> what I'm looking for. More like "open Can A and combine with Can B".

>>That's not cooking, it's rearranging pre-prepared crap.

>You haven't been paying attention, Miche. Michael has explained that
>he's preparing for a storm and power outage, and planning on living on
>canned food of one sort or another. He's now (if his posts can be
>believed) deeply into canning his own meat before the electricity goes
>and his freezer fails. He has not, AFAIK, mentioned where he is
>(blizzard? hurricane?) or what exactly he expects of all-can menus.
>You are probably correct about "not cooking..." :-)

Miche/'Legs -
'Legs reads me 100% correctly.
Winter storms causing general power outages of greater than one week,
but not longer than three.
I'm in Washington DC.
Again 'Legs is correct, the next series of questions will be something
on the order of "Well, we can survive, but it sure tastes like
pre-prepared crap" - Mike