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Dee Randall wrote:

> Years ago I had an expresso machine with a steamer, but it went by

> wayside somewhere in many moves. Your idea makes sense to me; and as

I have
> on hand from making a Tiramasu a couple of weeks ago a 250g can of
> "Authentic Italian Espresso Coffee" "Caffe Kimo" "Expresso

Napoletano" I am
> going to make 4 cups of coffee using 12 scoops of coffee (triple what

> usually use). I will use some of this for a cuppa now and store the

rest in
> the refrigerator as you suggested; but do you think that I should

make a
> total of 4 cups, or is that too much to store, depending if I have a

> of cups per day.

Shouldn't be any problem. It sounds like you'd finish the batch in 2-3
days, and the coffee would be fine in that period. I've kept brewed
coffee in the fridge up to 5 days and it's been unspoiled. Over 5 days
would probably make me nervous, tho, even if there's no sign of
spoilage. Three days sounds about right to also ensure that the coffee
stays flavorful.
