Table manners
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> David Hare-Scott wrote:
>> I am assuming that everybody has some sort of standard of table
> manners.
> [snip]
>> I don't see myself as a manners Nazi.
>> I now have the case where a person who comes to my house to dine
>> makes me cringe.
> I used to work with someone (from a different country) who chewed
> loudly and spoke with his mouth full.
> June
I worked with someone (not from a different country) who would take a huge
bite of food and then start talking. Drove me nuts. I'd look anywhere
except at her because I really don't want to see her mouth full of food.
She is perfectly proper in every other sense of the word, down to making
sure her slacks (even jeans!) are pressed and never a hair out of place.
But put a plate in front of her and she'll take a bite and then start
talking. EEEEK! But no, I never said anything to her. I don't have to
live with her or watch her eat every day. In fact, when we go out to lunch
these days, I make sure she's sitting beside me so I can look at the other
people across the table instead
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