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Default Any meatlovers here become vegetarian for 2004?

On 8 Jan 2004 17:23:52 -0800, (Melissa Houle)

>Frogleg > wrote

>> On 7 Jan 2004 09:42:19 -0800,
(Melissa Houle)
>> wrote:
>> >I'm hardly living in fear of Mad Cow disease, but I nevertheless plan
>> >to eat a bit less beef, for a while.

>> Because of mad cow? Why would "a bit less" be safer (except
>> statistically) than a bunch? If one is concerned about BSE, surely
>> total abstinance is the solution. If not, look for specials on beef in
>> the grocery store and chow down. :-)

>Umm.....because I'm only slightly inconsistent? =o)To slightly better
>the odds against Mad Cow? Ah well, today, I broke down and bought some
>steaks to freeze and eat later. =o)

Heard Alton Brown on NPR this morning, who wasn't afraid of mad cow,
but suggested if you're going to give up *some* beef thing,
pre-processed hamburger would be the thing to lose. That's where all
the messy 'separation' processes have an impact. Sidebar: dear Julia
always says that one should learn to cut up a chicken (or debone a
chicken breast) because the factory versions are apparently done with
chainsaws. :-)

Your justification is a lot more statistically reasonable than most.
And steaks are...Good Eats!