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Curly Sue wrote:
> If I had room, I'd have had a Kitchen Aid years ago. So many things
> that I see on FoodTV shows use them (although right now, I can't

> of anything!)

I can't think of anything either. That's because there really isn't
anything you can do with such a small stand mixer that you can't do
equally well by hand or with a hand mixer. I love my new KA solid state
7 speed hand mixer... but my old Sunbeam hand mixer is still in the
pantry and it did fine for over 30 years. And just recently I gave
away my really old Sunbeam Mixmaster, hadn't used that in about 30
years either (was a pain to clean and didn't do anything their hand
held unit couldn't do as well). For bread dough I either use my ABM or
my hands. I really don't see the point in any of the small stand
mixers unless one is handicapped. And from all the fancy schmancy
designer colors they're made in nowadays it would be difficult to
convince me that KA isn't catering/pandering mostly to those who only
want one for snob appeal/display.
