While frolicking around in rec.food.cooking, MrAoD of AOL
http://www.aol.com said:
>>>May we assume that the plaice (sole/flounder for da Merkins in da house)
>>>been beheaded, gutted, and/or skinned?
>>They've been gutted, but nothing else.
>Skin on?
Yes, and they haven't been decapitated either. Do I need to skin
and/or decapitate them before cooking them?
I'm pretty much a beginner at this, so I don't know these kind of
>>>Also, how long have they been in your refrigerator? Two-three days max,
>>>otherwise you may as well compost them.
>>I bought them today, and plan to cook them tomorrow.
>Sorry I'm a bit tardy in my reply but . . .
No stress. I won't have them before dinner.
>>They're about 0,5 kg combined
>>( http://members.aol.com/javawizard/numbers.html should convert to
>>your local units)
>Two weighing in at a little over a pound? Kinda small but . . .
I thought it was a pretty normal size. How long do you think would be
appropriate to cook plaice that size, stuffed?
>>I'll have to admit that I've never stuffed food before (unless you
>>count stuffing it into my mouth), so I'd appreciate it if you could
>>tell me how to do that
>Most terse explanation I found since it's 5:30 am local and I haven't had
>enough coffee to explain on my own:
>"Slice each flounder on the dark side down the middle. Slice toward the sides
>making a pocket under the meat large enough to place the seafood stuffing."
>"Dark side" I take to refer to the top of the fish - dark skin - not the belly.
> Cut along the center bone on either side, not all the way to the end of the
>fish. Run your knife towards the edges, under the top filet but above the
>ribs. Cut through the ribs on one side and remove center bone and the
>remaining attached rib bones, then remove the detached rib bones. Pair of
>needle nosed pliers works wonders.
>Then just roll your stuffing into an oval and slide into the resulting pocket.
>As for stuffings, florentine (spinach, ricotta or sour cream, and mushrooms)
>comes to mind. Also, what Dmitri said . . .
I'll probably try something like what Dmitri suggested, as non dairy
replacement for sour cream is quite expensive.
Nikitta a.a. #1759 Apatriot(No, not apricot)#18
ICQ# 251532856
Unreferenced footnotes:
"The best ballerina is an upside down ballerina. (afdaniain)