On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 02:47:12 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" >
>"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
>>I saw something interesting at the liquor store. A Yugoslavian brandy
>>called "Slivovitz." Two different kinds; one was in a round, coin-shaped
>>bottle, and it was clear. The other was in a "normal" looking bottle, and
>>was brown like whiskey, and was a little cheaper than the clear stuff.
>>(but both were kind of spendy) One was 80 proof and one was 90 proof, and
>>I don't remember for sure which was which --
>> but I think the whiskey-colored was stronger.
>> Is this good, or just overpriced crap, or something in between? Which is
>> better, the clear or the brown?
>> Thanks, regards,
>> Bob
>This describes it best:
>Slivovice je Bozí dar, se kterým se ale musí umet zacházet. Uz po staletí se
>na toto téma vedou vselijaké disputace se stejnou chutí, s jakou se tento
>lahodný mok konzumuje.
>Good stuff, made by farmers from plums. It is not wussy stuff like most
>American brandy.
Wasn't there a TV program (a comedy?) a long time ago where they
referenced this stuff every once in a while?
Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!