Thread: Slivovitz?
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> Wasn't there a TV program (a comedy?) a long time ago where they
> referenced this stuff every once in a while?

I don't know about TV, but slivovitz was mentioned in the movie Avalon. The
family were Jewish immigrants and they mentioned how their father never
drank water in America but drank slivovitz.

"Curly Sue" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 02:47:12 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" >
> wrote:
> >
> >"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> ...
> >>I saw something interesting at the liquor store. A Yugoslavian brandy
> >>called "Slivovitz." Two different kinds; one was in a round,

> >>bottle, and it was clear. The other was in a "normal" looking bottle,

> >>was brown like whiskey, and was a little cheaper than the clear stuff.
> >>(but both were kind of spendy) One was 80 proof and one was 90 proof,

> >>I don't remember for sure which was which --
> >> but I think the whiskey-colored was stronger.
> >>
> >> Is this good, or just overpriced crap, or something in between? Which

> >> better, the clear or the brown?
> >>
> >> Thanks, regards,
> >> Bob

> >
> >This describes it best:
> >Slivovice je Bozí dar, se kterým se ale musí umet zacházet. Uz po staletí

> >na toto téma vedou vselijaké disputace se stejnou chutí, s jakou se tento
> >lahodný mok konzumuje.
> >
> >Good stuff, made by farmers from plums. It is not wussy stuff like most
> >American brandy.
> >

> Wasn't there a TV program (a comedy?) a long time ago where they
> referenced this stuff every once in a while?
> Sue(tm)
> Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!