zxcvbob wrote:
> I saw something interesting at the liquor store. A Yugoslavian
> called "Slivovitz." Two different kinds; one was in a round,
> coin-shaped bottle, and it was clear. The other was in a "normal"
> looking bottle, and was brown like whiskey, and was a little cheaper
> than the clear stuff. (but both were kind of spendy) One was 80
> and one was 90 proof, and I don't remember for sure which was which
> but I think the whiskey-colored was stronger.
> Is this good, or just overpriced crap, or something in between?
> is better, the clear or the brown?
I haven't tried the darker kind, but the clear one is probably Maraska
brand Stara Sljivovica (aged plum brandy, eau-de-vie) from Zadar,
I perform with a Balkan folk dance ensemble, so I have many friends
from the former Yugoslavia. I've been told that Maraska has chemical
additives and can cause headaches/hangovers worse than the homemade
version, but maybe that's just from drinking too much! I enjoy and
recommend it.
My Romanian language professor told me that in Romania, they test
homemade tuica (Romanian sljivovica) by pouring some into a saucer and
lighting it with a match. It will burn if it's at least 100 proof. It
is then considered suitable for drinking.
Zivili! (ZHEE-vee-lee = cheers!)
Derek Juhl