Petey the Wonder Dog replied to me:
>> If you make the espresso
>> first, it will cool significantly while you're making the frothed milk.
>> By comparison, the milk will cool much less, and it takes a very short
>> time to make the espresso in any case.
> Totally a matter of opinion. My Bezerra can froth 16 oz of milk in
> moments.
> Espresso takes 30 seconds.
> Which one you do first matters not a whit for 99% of the cap lovin' world,
> and I'd bet anything you couldn't tell the diff in a blind test.
Okay. I was mainly responding to your earlier dogma: "A cappuccino is made
by first making espresso. Then adding frothed (steamed) milk. There is NO
other way."
If you now say the two methods are equivalent, I see no reason to belabor
the issue. I'm not persnickety about cappuccino in any case. Hell, I even
like it cold.