Another Jew and Ham Question
I have been dying to make a ham but being Jewish, I never did it.
From what I have tasted, I think I'd like to start with a smoked ham
and I think the butt is the best portion. Please jump in and correct
me if I am wrong about anything.
So, I'd like a smoked ham but everyone I've looked at is loaded with
salt. I'd rather do something with very low salt. Does that exist, a
smoked ham with just a little salt. I saw one today that was 1,500 mg
per 4 ounces.
I don't think I'd like fresh ham as much, so that option doesn't
appeal to me, esopecially because you generally eat fresh ham with a
salty brown sauce. Even though I never tasted fresh ham, it's just
appears to be lacking something for me.
Any ideas?