On 21 Mar 2005 04:52:06 -0800, krusty kritter wrote:
> What are "charras"? I tried to look it up in my Spanish dictionary and
> I found "charrada", which means, "a coarse thing, in bad taste, bad
> breeding"...
It's the brand name, and on the package is an email address and a
website, which are
and www.charras.com. I knew
that David's reply was fairly on the mark before looking up charras
in my larger Sp. dictionary, since the package has a horseman
wearing a traditional widebrimmed hat, on horseback (horse rearing
back on hind legs). According to my dictionary which has charada
(charade) but strangely, no entry for your charrada:
charro¹ -rra adj
1. (en Méx) (tradiciones/musica) of/relating to the charro²
2. (AmL fam) (de mal gusto) gaudy, garish
3. (Méx) (politico) corrupt; (sindicato) pro-management (colloq)
4. (Méx fam) (torpe) dim; es bien charra para multiplicar "she's
useless at multiplication"
5. (Esp fam) (de Salamanca) of/from Salamanca
charro² -rra m,f
1. (en Méx) (jinete) (m) horseman, cowboy; horsewoman, cowgirl
2. (Méx) (Pol) traitor, turncoat
3. (Méx fam) (persona torpe) dimwit (colloq)
4. (Esp fam) (salmantino) person from Salamanca