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Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, "jmcquown"
> > wrote:
> (lots of snippage)
> Jillsie said:
>>>>>> I don't know about Trader Joe's (seems like you're hooked on them
>>>>>> since they are in your area now, eh?)

> and:
>>>> But didn't you just post about cioppino sauce you got there? Was
>>>> that this week or am I dreaming?
>>>> Jill

> And I said:
>>> I did. I guess I never thought of it as being "hooked on it",
>>> though and there's not one in my area.
>>> --
>>> -Barb,

> And most recently Jillsie saith:
>> You (and most people) gotta stop taking my posts literally.

> And my quick rejoinder is:
> So try writing what you DO mean.

Why do you keep calling me Jillsie?!

Jill (and you really don't want me to write what I mean)