Thread: asparagus
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Default asparagus

Stir fry ass-para-guy egg foo yong!


Asparagus Guacamole

4 Cups (1 lb.) cut, trimmed, fresh Asparagus (or)
4 Cups (2pkg. 10 oz. Each) frozen, cut Asparagus
1 small garlic clove, minced
2 tsps. Lime juice
1/4 Cup canned, chopped green chiles
1/2 tsp. Salt; 1/2 tsp. Cumin
2 tbsp. finely chopped onion
1/2 Cup chopped, seeded tomato

Cook Asparagus in small amount of water until tender. Drain well and cool.

In a food processor, process asparagus and next five ingredients until mixture
is smooth (30 seconds). Scrape bowl frequently. Remove from food processor and
stir in onion and tomato.

Chill thoroughly before serving with tortilla chips, cut vegetables, chicken or

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