Thread: 1900 Madeira
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Ken Anderson wrote:
> "Anders Tørneskog" > wrote in message
> news >
>> "Ken Anderson" > skrev i melding
>> ...
>>> My buddy was doing some cleaning and came across a vintage 1900
>>> bottle of Madeira. Never opened, but the label is in poor shape,
>>> and maybe 10% of the wine has dissipated. In any event, might
>>> there be any value to this bottle? Thanks for any help here. Ken
>>> Anderson

>> Hi Madeira is in principle indestructible - it survives poor
>> storage better than any other wine. 10% evaporation is a bit
>> excessive, however. Could you describe liquid level in relation to
>> the bottle, i.e. does it reach the shoulder, or even the neck of
>> the bottle, or is it below the shoulder? Is there any legible
>> lettering on the label and can you repeat it here? Does the cork
>> seem to be in good shape, is it loose? (Don't open yet! = :-0 )
>> The value could be something like 200-700USD but more info is
>> needed hth Anders

> Yes, quite a bit of the label is legible. I'll take a few pics and
> post them on my site. I'll need a day or two. Thanks! Ken

Does it look like this?

Ferraz, F. F. & Co (MWC)
Brand of the MWC, founded in 1915, joined in 1937, went out of trade in
