> wrote in message
>I have been dying to make a ham but being Jewish, I never did it.
> From what I have tasted, I think I'd like to start with a smoked ham
> and I think the butt is the best portion. Please jump in and correct
> me if I am wrong about anything.
> So, I'd like a smoked ham but everyone I've looked at is loaded with
> salt. I'd rather do something with very low salt. Does that exist, a
> smoked ham with just a little salt. I saw one today that was 1,500 mg
> per 4 ounces.
> I don't think I'd like fresh ham as much, so that option doesn't
> appeal to me, esopecially because you generally eat fresh ham with a
> salty brown sauce. Even though I never tasted fresh ham, it's just
> appears to be lacking something for me.
Fresh ham is just a kind of pork roast and is not what most people think of
as "ham," which is cured and usually smoked.
Are you specifically interesting in making a whole or half ham? If not, if
you just want to try the taste, you can look for "ham steaks" at many
markets. Not sliced cold-cut ham, but half-inch thick slabs. Some such as
those from Smithfield are pretty good.
And, I can't resist a joke.
A priest and a rabbi find themselves next to each other on a long flight.
They get talking and strike up a friendship. After a glass of wine or two
they are feeling pretty relaxed. The priest asks the rabbi "Tell me, have
you ever eaten ham?"
The rabbi replies "Yes I did once - and it was very good!" Then he asks the
priest, "How about you, Father, have you ever made love to a woman?"
Turning slightly red in the face the prist replies "Yes, I must confess, I
did make love to a woman once a few years ago."
Says the rabbi, "It's a lot better than ham, isn't it?"
Peter Aitken
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