Intro: Used to post here as smile@...
Greetings Sheldon, Melba and the rest of the old timers!
I have returned to Usenet after purchasing a Mac, totally Mac proud
now, and getting a GMail addy to prevent spam from reaching my primary
mail box.
I have missed you all and am glad to back.
During the past several years, I have been busy moderating/owning
several food groups at Yahoo, working as a reporter, but have now
semi-retired. Hubby plans to retire in a couple years too and we plan
on taking a cruise to Canada. At least I hope to see the inland passage
to Alaska. Can't wait to get there.
I'm down to two cats after having four. Sadly, I lost one cat to a
coyote, and two under mysterious circumstances. Currently the two
"boys" keep me busy with their purring, meowing, playing, etc.
Any way, it's nice to be back.
formerly smile...