Thread: vegetarian
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Default vegetarian

"Mike Pearce" > wrote in message
> "Dimitri" wrote in message
> m...
> > From Websters!
> >
> > One entry found for vegetarianism.
> >
> >
> > Main Entry: veg·e·tar·i·an·ism
> > Pronunciation: -E-&-"ni-z&m
> > Function: noun
> > Date: circa 1851
> > : the theory or practice of living on a diet made up of vegetables ,

> fruits,
> > grains, nuts, and sometimes eggs or dairy products

> I've seen this definition before. I'm still trying to figure out when

> "sometimes" are that eggs and dairy products are vegetables. <g>
> -Mike

Actually it comes from a better definition:


Definition of Vegetarian and Vegetarianism

There is no exact definition of the words 'vegetarian' or 'vegetarianism.'
They cover a wide range of meat-restricted eating habits.

In general, a vegetarian is someone whose diet omits animal products, but
some vegetarians do eat some meat-products (milk, eggs, meat fats) and some
vegetarians eat fish.

The strictest type of vegetarian is a 'vegan' who avoids all flesh as well
as all meat-by-products.

Main Types of Vegetarian and Vegetarianism

The most common types of vegetarian a

Semi or Part Vegetarians
Ovo-Lacto Vegetarians
Macrobiotic & other Vegetarians

Vegetarian Health Note:
A balanced vegetarian diet is perfectly healthy and offers significant extra
health benefits over the average Western meat-eating diet.

The last category of vegetarians (Macrobiotic vegetarians etc) follow diets
that are not recommended by most nutritionists, as these vegetarian diets
lack certain nutrients. Exception is Pescetarians.