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Jerry Avins
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Marcia Pease wrote:
> In article >, Jerry Avins >
> wrote:
>>Gregory Morrow wrote:
>> ...
>>>It's SPAM you cretin.

>>Oh? Define spam. Hint: it is /not/ "a message I don't like."

> Spam is an unsolicited message sent as one of a set of messages that are
> substantially the same.
> Advertising is unsolicited in most groups. The OP posts a large volume
> of book advertisements. The curry ad was not posted elsewhere, but the
> picnic ad was.
> In the groups I run we have solved the spam problem by soliciting
> advertisements (except of course from Mrs. Bonk's notorious boyfriend).

Respectfully, Marcy, I disagree. Spam is /both/ unsolicited and sent in
large volume. Being unsolicited isn't enough: the start of every thread
is unsolicited. Volume alone isn't enough: newsletters are sent out to
thousands of recipients.

I don't see that commercial recommendations by their very being are
spam. When I put the finishing touches on my combination
burn-salve/apron-waterproofer/shoe-polish/cast-iron-seasoner, I intend
that the denizens of this august group will be the first to know, and I
will offer it for sale at cost plus a modest increment commensurate with
my genius. No one could denigrate such a marvelous offering as "spam".

Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get.