Thread: Table manners
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Ed Grabau and Pam Jacoby wrote:
> And cultural doesn't come into it because s/he is dining in a
> specific location and should at least attempt to abide by local
> manners, as those of us who world travel should attempt to abide by
> local customs.

Even that can get one in trouble though, if s/he doesn't quite
understand the local customs. I recall the time when I was at a dinner
party hosted by a friend from Laos. He and his wife prepared a
wonderful array of South East Asian dishes. At the end of the meal, I
thought the guests were *supposed* to fart loudly out of respect for the
host (or maybe the cook.) You can imagine my embarrassment.

At least they appreciated the enthusiasm...

Not a true story, but it was fun to tell and I think it makes a point.

Best regards,