"Peter Aitken" > wrote in message
. com...
> "Serene" > wrote in message
> . ..
>> Peter Aitken > wrote:
>>> And making
>>> mashed potatoes in the mixer is best avoided unless you want a sticky
>>> gluey
>>> result.
>> Piffle.
> Try a ricer or food mill. I guarantee better results than a mixer - unless
> of course you prefer sticky gummy mashed spuds.
> --
> Peter Aitken
> --------------------
I strongly concur with the ricer! WOW - they do a fabulous job. I bought
mine several years ago because it was priced really well... wasn't sure I'd
really use it much... but well, you can't pass up a good deal when it comes
to kitchen * tools * (gadgets are good but "tools" are necessary!)! LOL
Anyway, I use mine more than I thought I would - squeezing spinach for
quiche and not too long ago used it for potatoes. Man, was I impressed! I
knew it would do a good job - but I was surprised by what a * great * job
it does...! Truly. Ricers rule.