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Joan Ross and Cosmo Cutie Dog
Posts: n/a

Dear Hutchndi,

My simple philosophy concerning sourdough baking or as a matter of fact
any baking, is bake stuff you enjoy .

Nothing should be so rigid in the culinary field that there is just only one
way to progress.

Dick bakes beautiful loaves and if he is happy that is all that should

I have been baking bread for over 30 years and I have learned to be flexible
and also listen to other peoples ideas even I don't agree.

So to everyone: Bake bread the way you want and enjoy the fruits of your



"HUTCHNDI" > wrote in message
> After visiting this link I
> think
> I am lost on the purpose of it. This is basically using a homemade loaf
> pan.
> Why was this done? Frustration? And why the cloth lined baskets, air
> isn't
> getting thru the foil anyways?
> Please, I might just be missing the point, feel free to kick me.
> Hutchndi