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In article t>,
"George Beasley" > wrote:

> You are better off just freezing it in small portions.

That is the current plan. ;-)
I've not tasted it by itself yet and will judge portions by that.

> The loss of flavor
> and the work involved in drying, is not worth it. I have a little container
> of dried laos because I couldn't find the root. But now that you have found
> it, I will be looking for some too. :-) Let us know how you like it when you
> start using it in your cooking.
> Elly

I sure will, thank you!
It's always at the oriental market (that caters mostly to Thai and
chinese) in small packages back in the produce section.



Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra