In article .com>,
"Mad Dan" > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> >
> > Kat (down 30 lbs. so far, but still have 93 to go... <sigh>
> > I have a $200.00 wager going with 2 guys at work and I only have 1
> year
> > to lose it!)
> > >
> You have a $200 bet that you can lose 123 lbs in a year? Well, it's an
> admirable goal (if that's what you need to lose), but are you sure this
> is entirely safe? In fact, it sounds downright reckless to me.
Why? :-)
A good diet if followed properly (and supplemented with a walking
program) SHOULD lose you 10 lbs. per month...
I started Jan. 4th so am on schedule at this point...
> Are you absolutely certain?
And yes, I need to lose 123 lbs. I started at 273 and my goal weight is
150. I'm 5' 6" with a heavy bone structure. I plan to start weight
lifting again once I get below 200. Muscle is heavy and I tend to gain
muscle fairly easily if I keep my protein intake up and practice proper
weight training techniques.
Last time I lost weight, (12 years ago) I lost 80 lbs. in 6 months, but
I starved it off so that is why it came back. I'd fast for 3 to 5 days
at a time. The longest I fasted was 2 weeks. I was also weight lifting
heavy 3 days per week at the same time. Oddly enough, I never did feel
weak. <G> I managed to get my deadlift up to 210 lbs. Never could bench
over 90 tho'. :-(
The dangers of fasting are over-rated. I did take a lot of vitamin
supplements, including amino acids.
I do NOT however recommend that to anyone! <lol>
This time I've made a LOT of permanent lifestyle and dietary changes. I
don't eat the way I used to. Not at all, nor will I ever again.
For one thing, I've spent the last 10 years learning nutrition and
learning how to cook! <G>
And my Dr. has finally helped me get my thyroid levels right with the
right Thyrolar dosages, and we are addressing the insulin resistance
> (Well done on the 30 so far, though!)
I'll report at the end of the year if I was successful...
And I'll post pictures. ;-)
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra