In article .com>,
"-L." > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> > Repost pretty please?????
> OK, I found my original post. Too funny - I have to repost it. ;p
> -L.
> ****
> Velveeta
> Ok...I would never publically admit to eating this stuff, but there is
> one use for it that is an old staple "munchie" from my pot-smoking
> days...and the cravings for it just never go away.
> Gooey Cheese Popcorn (By my sister Li)
> One bag of microwave popcorn, light, or no-butter type (popped)
> If you are poor like I used to be, pop regular popcorn the
> old-fashioned way, with oil in a pan.
> Put popcorn in a large bowl
> Next, in small microwave-safe dish, add about 2 T margerine and about
> 2X as much Velveeta, thinly diced.
> Microwave on high in 30-second intervals, until melted. May need a
> little more velveeta or margerine, depending on thickness. Wisk with
> fork until creamy, and very quickly, mix into the popcorn by pouring a
> thin stream onto the popcorn while mixing the popcorn with the fork.
> This mixing takes much practice, to get the distribution of cheese and
> popcorn right (avoid big globs). You may have to pick up the bowl and
> shake it. Much easier to do after a big fatty. By this time, the dog
> has noticed what you are doing, and is very interested in catching any
> "escapee" popcorns that have fled the bowl. Add salt to taste (if you
> can even imagine adding salt to something topped with Velveeta).
> Eat while warm, with large glass of icewater, and watch old reruns of
> Lucy, Bewitched, Stooges/Rascal hour, and/or HR Puffinstuff (oranges,
> poranges). When brother-in-law and cute friend come in, hand bowl of
> popcorn to co-conspirator (friend or sister), so as not to look like
> the pig who invented this conconction. Turn bright red. Start laughing
> hysterically.
> HTH,
> L.
Excellent post! ;-D
Sounds like the perfect snack to go with "Labyrinth" and a box of
whipping cream charges. <eg>
I just bought a copy of "catwoman". It just might replace "The Last
Starfighter" as my favorite movie....... ;-)
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra