In article .com>,
"-L." > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> > ROFL!!!
> > Excellent post! ;-D
> Why, skank you. Skank you very much!
> >
> > Sounds like the perfect snack to go with "Labyrinth" and a box of
> > whipping cream charges. <eg>
> >
> > I just bought a copy of "catwoman". It just might replace "The Last
> > Starfighter" as my favorite movie....... ;-)
> >
> > --
> > K.
> REALLY? DH *LOVES* The Last Starfighter. I don't think he has seen
> Catwoman yet! We will have to buy it!
> -L.
So far, most of the Marvel comics "super hero" films have been very good.
X-men 1 and 2, Spiderman 1 and 2, DareDevil and Spawn.
I'd heard some bad reviews of "Catwoman" but I thought it was excellent
and very well done!
But, I _am_ a cat lover. <lol>
It's a similar type of story as "TLS" as it was someone that was a
nobody becoming a somebody thru interesting circumstances.
But then, most of the superhero movies tend to move along those lines
I just wanna BE catwoman! ;-D