Katra wrote:
> In article >,
> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> "Katra" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> In article >,
>>> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>>> "Katra" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> In article >,
>>>>> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>>>>> I keep trying to find new "veggies" my small parrot might like.
>>>>> My cocaktoo has a passion for fresh corn on the cobs, and halves
>>>>> of oranges, grapefruit, apples, tangerines, mango, bell peppers,
>>>>> anaheim peppers, chili petines, kiwi fruit.......
>>>> Peaches (lovebird) likes fresh kale, cabbage, apples, spinach,
>>>> celery
>> tops.
>>>> She didn't care for corn and I haven't tried citrus fruit yet.
>>>> Jill
>>> I offer citrus regularly because birds need vitamin C and don't
>>> make it themselves like predatory mammals do. :-)
>>> I think Tangerines seem to be Freya's favorite.
>>> I'll have to try Kale! I have 3 beautiful purple kale plants and
>>> have >
>> found them to be inedible for us humans, so I let them live in pots
>> just
>>> because they are pretty.
>>> I'll offer her some, thanks!
>> And I'll try tangerines, thank you! I discovered the squirrels
>> outside like alfalfa sprouts
Peaches eats a fortified pellet
>> diet including vitamin C but fresh from the source is always best.
>> Do you remove the seeds first?
> Let me know how she likes them?
> There are mixed stories about whether or not citrus seeds are toxic
> but
> no, I've never removed the seeds and Freya usually goes after those
> first! <G>
Peaches turned her beak up at a tangerine slice.
> Same for whole peppers. She strips out all the seeds first. She'll
> eat a
> hole in a whole bell pepper and eat all the seeds out.
I'll try bell pepper next!
>> very picky about her apples - only Gala or Golden delicious slices
>> for her, thank you
>> very much 
> <giggles> I don't blame her... Gala are my favorite also!
> Freya will eat some apple, but it's not her favorite fruit. Neither
> are
> grapes.
I haven't tried grapes, but she goes after a chunk of Gala apple like apples
are going to suddenly vanish from the face of the earth.
>> I've been told she might like banana, too, but I can't figure
>> out how to fit a piece of banana in the thing that holds her fresh
>> greens
>> and pieces of fruit without mashing the banana all to pieces. LOL
>> Jill
> I made my own fruit feeder board. It's just a piece of 2x6 (untreated)
> with two blunted nails driven up thru the bottom. That sits on top of
> her old cage (which is in her aviary) and I still stuff on top of it.
There's a thought. Does Freya get things like millet spray and flax?
Peaches goes nuts for both. Like really good catnip for a cat!
> For some extra oranges and stuff, I'll punch a hole in the rind and
> stick a pipe cleaner thru it and twist one end to hold the fruit and
> the
> other end of the wire I twist onto the cage wire. I do the same for
> cuttle bones.
> Never offered her bannana!
> You probably already know that avocados are toxic right?
Oh yes, I know that. That's okay because I'm not wild about avocados,
either... they're just okay IMHO.
> Freya finally destroyed one window molding too many so we built her a
> large aviary out on the sun porch. I'ts 4'wide, 8'long and 6' high.
> It's
> walk in and the floor is covered with shavings. I can walk in there
> and
> have cuddle sessions with her. :-)
How cool!
> The sun porch is insulated and has a window AC and a floor heater in
> the
> winter.
>>> --
>>> K.
>>> Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
>>> There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet
>>> train
>> the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami
>> Beyondanada
>>>> ,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,<
http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...e=0&user id=k
>> atra
>> ,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,<
http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...user id=katra