In article >,
(Serene) wrote:
> The blood oranges were getting soft (ooh, I like that line), so I added
> them to the latest batch of jelly.
> This jellymaking thing is addictive. So fun and easy, especially with
> the inversion method.
> serene
What's interesting to me is that the Certo leaflets may still offer the
inversion method as an option for sealing, but the Certo website does
not. I see you linked your blog offering to the website. I can't tell
if you're new to preserving or not; if you are, I'd encourage you to use
good procedures and processes (boiling water bath for fruit spreads)
from the get-go, so as to not develop any bad habits. If you're
preparing your jars in boiling water in the first place it's not a big
deal to do the BWB (boiling water bath) and it gives you a better chance
for a proper seal, a stronger seal and the assurance that mold spores
are killed.
Allow me to be the fourth person to point you he
642c> <8-0)
Check out the National Center for Home Food Preservation at the
University of Georgia. It's the place where any current USDA food
preserving research is going on.
Also, if you don't have a recent food preserving text, get one. A
couple weeks ago, I posted to that I have some
copies of the current Ball Blue Book that I'm willing to sell and ship
for $4. (good price) I think I still have one left, if you're
interested. You can contact me through my website
And here's my formal invitation to visit with your
adventures and questions about preserving; it's the right place for such
discussions. The people are knowledgeable and a generally friendly lot.
:-) And we have a very extensive FAQ file available, too.
-Barb, <> Arizona vacation pics added 3-24-05.
"I read recipes the way I read science fiction: I get to the end and
say,'Well, that's not going to happen.'" - Comedian Rita Rudner,
performance at New York, New York, January 10, 2005.