I'm not sure what you mean. The leaf is about 1 3/4 inches wide with
the point and vein in the middle. Each leaf is probably 8 inches in
length probably with a total of ten leaves completely wrapping the
puerh. It'll be a while before I make it to the Botanical Gardens to
double check.
Lewis Perin wrote:
> "Space Cowboy" > writes:
> >[...Puerh in bamboo basket...]
> > Oh now I get it. The bamboo leaf that wraps the puer adds it own
> > as the leaf dries out.
> Just a minor point he I doubt it's the leaf that's used in the
> basket; more likely split stems.
> /Lew
> ---
> Lew Perin /
> http://www.panix.com/~perin/babelcarp.html