Dave Smith wrote:
> Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>> Know who I feel the worst for? The woman who lost her finger. Her
>> employer apparently didn't do anything to try to find the severed
>> digit so it could be reattached.
> I used to hang out with a guy who had a tendency to stretch the
> truth. He told me one day that his mother opened up a can of
> tomatoes and found a finger in it. He said that she took it back to
> store. The store happened to be the one where my brother worked part
> time. He was the one who gave her money back for the can. The can
> was produced by a local company. A few weeks later I was talking to
> a girl who worked at the local canning plant during the summer. A
> woman on her line lost a finger. The line kept going and the finger
> got canned.
> I didn't believe my friend at first, thinking it was just another of
> his stretched truths, but then when my brother and another friend
> were all connected to the story I had to believe him.
I wouldn't have believed it either, but stuff does happen. Still, you'd
think if someone got their finger cut off they'd have yelled bloody murder
and the line would be shut down.
My brother opened a bag of Doritos chips years ago and found a big long
strip of metal in it; I witnessed it. Something had fallen off the
machinery on the production line and got sealed into the bag. So much for
"packed by weight, not by volume"; that hunk of metal weighed at least as
much as the chips in the bag.