Thread: Pop Survey
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Bluesea wrote:
> Inspired by what Lew said, this pop survey is to see how much tea we

have on
> hand.
> 1. How many teas do you currently like to purchase in amounts of 1/4

> (100-125g) or more?
> Me: 2 whites, 4 greens, 6 blacks, and 2 herbals.

elgoog: 5 greens, 1 black, 1 herbal.

> 2. How many tea samples, amounts of 1 oz (~28g) or less, do you

> have on hand?
> Me: 2 whites, 8 greens, 17 blacks, and 7 herbals.

elgoog: 1 green, 4 blacks

> 3. How many teas do you have that don't fit in either of the above

> categories (multiple samples of a single tea from a single vendor,
> tins/packages that are >1oz and <1/4 lb, etc.)?
> Me: 0.

elgoog: 0