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Default Best Chicken (so say all)

On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 07:45:58 GMT, sf > wrote:

>On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 02:15:51 GMT, Blair P. Houghton >
>> Michel Boucher > wrote:
>> >1/2 cup smooth or chunky "only peanuts" peanut butter (do NOT use
>> >homogenized or pre-sweetened crap or I will hunt you down :-)) plus

>> I wonder how hard it is to make the stuff using
>> a stick-blender. I have a stick blender I don't use
>> nearly enough, and a bag of shell-on goobers left over
>> from baseball season.

>I haven't ever tried making peanut butter with a stick
>blender... but if there were just a few peanuts
>(maybe 1/4 C), I suppose it would work. If you have more, I
>suggest trying a blender - which I know works well. The
>seasoning is up to you.

what a great idea, never thought of making my own. I just bought a
jar of either Adams or Laura Scudder's brand (no sugar, Michel, just
peanuts, so please don't hunt me down!!) and paid nearly 4 bucks at
Albertsons. Ridiculous. Gonna give making my own a try.

Lisette in Sacramento, California