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Default Meat loaf and archiving

X-No-Archive: yes
I started a new thread so this doesn't end up in the woodworking group.
I am new to using Google as a Usenet reader so please have a little
patience with me.

FYI: I've never asked to NOT be archived until now. I'm learning how to
do this but according to Google my posts will NOT be archived after I
copied and pasted "X-No-Archive: yes". I have since removed the quotes
and will keep that in mind in the future.

I've asked for no archiving because I found too many of my recipes,
without attribution, all over the net. Granted not all were "my"
recipes but they were recipes I tried and took the time to share. Some
were "my" recipes which I freely share. I just like to get credit once
in awhile.

Any way, I have to go cook some Basamati rice to go with our slow
cooked beef and peppers. Will be back later.

have a great day!
