On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 20:19:27 GMT, Joseph Littleshoes
> wrote:
>Dave Smith wrote:
>> wrote:
>> > I'm looking for a few new ideas for using walnuts. I've roasted
>> them,
>> > used them in stuffings, in pestos, and also topped salads with them.
>> > I've even made cookies with them.
>> >
>> > Preferably a side dish, or a dessert. Single guy. Cute girl. She
>> likes
>> > walnuts. It really is an emergency.<g>
>> I once bought a flourless birthday cake for may wife that was made of
>> walnuts. I wouldn't do it again because I can't eat walnuts, but
>> everyone
>> else loved it.
>Walnuts in carrot cake are common but another use is in horse radish
>sauce, make a small dice of the walnuts and let rest in the sauce for a
>couple of days. Somewhere i have a recipie for bannan, date and walnut
>salad, often times "Croquetts" are coated with a fine mince of walnuts.
>Grated over a green salad with lime juice and avacado oil is very good.
>Occsionaly for special occasions i will make a calvadose (apple) brandy
>& walnut stuffing. If anyone is interested i have precise instructions
>for maple walnut ice cream (refrigerator tray method). Sometime walnuts
>are gound finely and used to make pie crusts.---
>Joseph Littleshoes
Yes, please post the ice cream recipe. Sounds good.