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Duwop wrote:

> "Tamblyne" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Hi --
>>I started reading through this group a couple of days ago -- very
>>interesting and knowledgeable collection of personalities, I must say.

> :-)
>>I've started reading the FAQ -- wonderful work and comprehensive almost
>>to the point of being overwhelming --

> Isn't it? An epiphany.

Absolutely fabulous -- I can't wait to get out of my "panic" mode
so I can actually relax and absorb everything that's there. :-)

>>I've never tried smoking before but want to try it. Will I be able to
>>do that with this model, or should I think about something else? Since
>>I'm already pushing the cash envelope, I don't want to mess this up.

> Well, if you want to burn lump and wood, or even (bleh) Kingsford, Home
> Depot usually carries the Chargriller line.
> You can get the "Super Pro" grill for about $130 and then order the firebox
> from the factory for about $70. That way you got yourself a real nice grill
> AND an offset for BBQing. I suggest that because last time I looked their
> offset didnt come with the coal grate for inside the main chamber, so buying
> the grill and then adding the side firebox get you both configurations. The
> firebox is a simple bolt on operation, so no worries there.
> Dale

This is wonderful information -- thank you. I'm afraid our local
Home Depot people are, well, let's just say they are of limited
knowledge in many areas. When I have counted on them for
answers, unfortunately they seem to give me the wrong ones. I
appreciate your help in "arming me" for my foray this morning.

Thank you. :-)
