Rich L > wrote:
> I'm looking for feedback from anyone who has experience making
> Maple Wine. We are sugaring here in NH and have access to
> plenty of sap and/or syrup.
I have a five gallon carboy of a Maple Wine Mead sitting on the
floor behind me. The only problem I have with Maple Wine and
Maple Wine Mead is that I drink it before I can bottle and store
it. It is as close to ambrosia as I have ever had.
My wines are made with Grade A Vermont Maple Syrup. There used to
be a Grade B and a Grade C. Grade B still exists. Everyone with
whom I have spoken said Grade C was the best because it had the
most nutrients
First thing you need to to do is mix one gallon of maple syrup
with enough cold water (Spring water if available) to make a
three gallon mixture. It is best to do this is a stainless
steel pot with gallon markings on the inside. Then take an
hydrometer reading. Read the hydrometer as accurately as you
can. I guessing your going to get somewhere between 1.090 and
1.110. This is important because from it you can get the amount
of sugar available per pound of syrup The formula is
(hydrometer - 1) * 3 gallons / 11 pounds. There are 11 lbs to
a gallon of maple syrup.
If you want to start with three gallons, you'll need to pour the
mixture (called "the must") into a food grade pail, add yeast (I
only use Lalvin EC-1118), tightly secure the lid on the pail, and
insert an air lock. All of which are available at your LHBS (Local
Home Brew Store). Use can use water in the air-lock. I use the
cheapest vodka I can find.
Wait til the airlock ceases bubbling. I've put a five minute timer
on an watched it. No bubbles in five minutes and it is ready to
rack (siphon transfer). So you will also need a pump start siphon
and a 3 gallon carboy as well as a stopper with a hole for the
air-lock. Wait at least 30 days and use a clearing agent. Get
seven 1.75 litre wine bottles and rack directly into them.
If you want a Maple Wine Mead, just add 6 lbs of honey with enough
water to make two gallons into the must AND get a 5 or a 6.5 gallon
Another great idea is to put in beehives because Maple Tree Honey
is suppose to be awesome.