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In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:

> Katra wrote:
> > In article >,
> >

> Peaches turned her beak up at a tangerine slice.


Does she like citrus at all?
Some birds probably don't.

> > Same for whole peppers. She strips out all the seeds first. She'll
> > eat a
> > hole in a whole bell pepper and eat all the seeds out.
> >

> I'll try bell pepper next!

Or other peppers. :-)
I have a "wild" petin bush with itty bitty peppers every year and she
loves those also.

> >
> > <giggles> I don't blame her... Gala are my favorite also!
> > Freya will eat some apple, but it's not her favorite fruit. Neither
> > are
> > grapes.
> >

> I haven't tried grapes, but she goes after a chunk of Gala apple like apples
> are going to suddenly vanish from the face of the earth.

That's too funny!
Freya will eat some apples, but it's not her favorite fruit.

I offered her a kale leaf today and she seemed quite interested!

> >
> >> I've been told she might like banana, too, but I can't figure
> >> out how to fit a piece of banana in the thing that holds her fresh
> >> greens
> >> and pieces of fruit without mashing the banana all to pieces. LOL
> >>
> >> Jill

> >
> > I made my own fruit feeder board. It's just a piece of 2x6 (untreated)
> > with two blunted nails driven up thru the bottom. That sits on top of
> > her old cage (which is in her aviary) and I stick stuff on top of it.
> >

> There's a thought. Does Freya get things like millet spray and flax?
> Peaches goes nuts for both. Like really good catnip for a cat!

I do give her millet sprays, and I get her parakeet "honey sticks" too!
She loves the bird treats.

A cheap way to go is to get those Bell shaped seed balls sold for wild
birds. I don't give her those all the time as I prefer to restrict her
sunflower seed allowance.

She also likes walnuts.
Whole, in the shell.

> > Freya finally destroyed one window molding too many so we built her a
> > large aviary out on the sun porch. I'ts 4'wide, 8'long and 6' high.
> > It's
> > walk in and the floor is covered with shavings. I can walk in there
> > and
> > have cuddle sessions with her. :-)
> >

> How cool!

It is nice, and she likes it better out there as there are more windows
to look out of.

> > The sun porch is insulated and has a window AC and a floor heater in
> > the
> > winter.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra