I _hate_ slicing fresh carrots!!!
Dad likes them a lot tho' so it has to be done.
He prefers them in bite sized chunky slices.
If I try to slice them on the cutting board with the chef's knife,
they are so crisp they tend to want to "pop" off as I slice them
and go all over the kitchen! Crispy beasts.
So, I generally use a good sharp paring knife and hold them in my hand,
slicing them into a bowl by cutting thru them with my thumb as a
backstop. The drawback to that is that if my knife is sharp enough,
I end up with fine little slices in my thumb. Rarely deep enough to
be a real cut (unless the knife is REALLY sharp which has happened a
couple of times!) but it's really annoying!!!
Is there such a thing as a thumb guard, or is there a better way
to slice carrots?
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
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