On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 21:16:32 -0600
"Bluesea" > wrote:
> Inspired by what Lew said, this pop survey is to see how much tea we have
> on hand.
> 1. How many teas do you currently like to purchase in amounts of 1/4 lb
> (100-125g) or more?
Like to or, just have?
I've got a pound of an assam SFTGFOP that I'm happy to have. Half a
pound of "kama black" broad leaf 2nd flush black assam tea that I'm glad to
have too. 125g of a fujian oolong that I'm really enjoying for the $2
i spent on it. I've also gone through about half of a 125g package of some
pi lo chun that's not bad. I might like to try a better pi lo chun when I'm
done with it.
So, 2 black, 1 oolong, 1 green.
Also about 200g of PG Tips that i can take or leave, and half a pound of
Earl Gray that can't stop thinking of as being more of an Earl Dead because
it takes only a pinch of these bergamot-laden leaves to turn 4 grams of the
PG Tips or SFTGFOP into pretty reasonable EG. I have no idea what I'm going
to do with all that stuff. Years from now the leaves will be stale but
there will still be enough bergamot left to flavor other teas. If you drink
the stuff straight it's like huffing citrus degreaser.
I also have about 150g of an assam green that was a freebie. There's a
reason you never hear about assam greens. it's not bad, it's just got
nothing at all to recommend it.
These are the hazards of buying tea online, when it costs about 20% more
to get 5x as much tea in some cases.
> 2. How many tea samples, amounts of 1 oz (~28g) or less, do you
> have on hand?
five black, one very green, broad leaf darjeeling oolong. I think.
> 3. How many teas do you have that don't fit in either of the above weight
> categories (multiple samples of a single tea from a single vendor,
> tins/packages that are >1oz and <1/4 lb, etc.)?