Thread: Pop Survey
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On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 21:16:32 -0600, Bluesea wrote:

> Inspired by what Lew said, this pop survey is to see how much tea we have on
> hand.
> 1. How many teas do you currently like to purchase in amounts of 1/4 lb
> (100-125g) or more?

My local shop sells in minimums of 3 ounces, typically 4. Everything I
get is 1/4 lb.

> 2. How many tea samples, amounts of 1 oz (~28g) or less, do you currently
> have on hand?

None. Samples don't last long around here. If they're good, they get
consumed. If they're bad, they get tossed.

> 3. How many teas do you have that don't fit in either of the above weight
> categories (multiple samples of a single tea from a single vendor,
> tins/packages that are >1oz and <1/4 lb, etc.)?

2. I've got some chamomile and some peppermint that are annoyingly
light and fluffy, and 4 ounces takes more volume than the bags at the
shop will hold.

Now, how many types of teas do we have onhand? About 14. Some get
consumed more rapidly than others.


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