Thread: '05 tea watch-
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Eric Jorgensen
Posts: n/a

On 25 Mar 2005 14:32:51 -0500
Lewis Perin > wrote:

> pilo_ > writes:
> > hi everyone - just a thought here.
> >
> > since there are SO many tea vendors on the 'net, maybe we could make
> > notification here when we find a vendor that has rec'd new '05 teas.
> > i think that would be good...........p*

> Great idea! And if you're the first to notice a 2005 tea, please be
> specific, i.e., don't just point to the vendor's home page.

Upton has a news item with a link pointing to "new 2005 teas" which is
actually just a list of every product they've added to the site in the last
60 days, and none of them seem to say anything about the harvest date in
the description. Some of them are doubtless from the last season.

Doesn't matter, not buying any teas at more than $10/oz.