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Gene wrote:

> why would homeless scum hang around theaters unless they're trying
> to beg money for more booze and illegal drugs.

Oh use some commonsense for a change! 1) How do you know they are
homeless people, even so do you know the reasons for their
homelessness? 2)i find it amusing that you which you stereotype all
homeless people as lazy shiftless drug taking and alcohol drinkins
bums. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Says alot about you and
your lack of independent thinking skills.

> Usually when I encounter such on the street, I just ignore them, if
> they persist, I then kick them in the nuts and say "Get the message?"
> Of course, they don't listen...

Of course. That's called assault and you should be in jail. But the
police turning a blind eye to this kind of abuse is part and parcel of
how the system really works here in America. Suffice it to say you
probably are some mindless middleclass right wing racist nutcase white
cracker, with a brand new SUV in the driveway, a wife waiting at home,
and a nice house in the suburbs to go along with your mountain of
credit card debt.