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On 25 Mar 2005 14:27:39 -0800, wrote:

>Gene wrote:
>> why would homeless scum hang around theaters unless they're trying
>> to beg money for more booze and illegal drugs.

>Oh use some commonsense for a change! 1) How do you know they are
>homeless people, even so do you know the reasons for their
>homelessness? 2)i find it amusing that you which you stereotype all
>homeless people as lazy shiftless drug taking and alcohol drinkins
>bums. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Says alot about you and
>your lack of independent thinking skills.

If they were trying to get work, then their supposed to be looking
for work and not begging..
>> Usually when I encounter such on the street, I just ignore them, if
>> they persist, I then kick them in the nuts and say "Get the message?"
>> Of course, they don't listen...

>Of course. That's called assault and you should be in jail. But the
>police turning a blind eye to this kind of abuse is part and parcel of
>how the system really works here in America.

Thank God for freedom!

>Suffice it to say you
>probably are some mindless middleclass right wing racist nutcase white
>cracker, with a brand new SUV in the driveway, a wife waiting at home,
>and a nice house in the suburbs to go along with your mountain of
>credit card debt.

Ahem I have 2 SUVs, snowmobiles and ATVs AND I have a nice wife,
life and best of all, I have only $300 on CC debit. But hey, I could
have $250,000 if I wanted to. After all, I am so productive and nicely