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Rick & Cyndi
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"Katra" > wrote in message
> In article >, wrote:
>> I use Parmesan cheese infrequently, and whenever I want to use it the
>> hunk I have in the refrigerator is usually bad. I'm looking for a way
>> to store Parmesan cheese so that I can have it on hand and it will stay
>> fresh for more than a few weeks. Here's what I've done so far:
>> 1: In a ZipLock bag. This remained moist but got moldy.
>> 2: Wrapped in parchment paper, and then put in a ZipLock bag. This
>> remained moist, and took longer to get moldy -- only a slight
>> improvement.
>> This is how I store all my other cheeses and it works quite well. But
>> granted, I use up the other cheeses faster than I use the Parmesan.
>> 3: Wrapped in parchment paper; no Ziplock. This didn't get moldy,
>> but it dried out quite a bit, and was really difficult to grate (and I
>> have a rather extensive selection of graters, from a cheap $5. one to
>> several Microplanes).
>> Sandy

> I use fresh parmesan only very rarely...
> The chunk I originally bought from central market was already hard as a
> rock, so I just keep it in the 'frige in the butter keeper in no
> wrapper. I've had that chunk now in there for a good 4 years and it's
> not even thinking about going bad.
> Since it is so hard, and so old, it's VERY rich and a little goes a long
> way. My chunk is getting smaller and smaller and I'll have to replace it
> soon. <sigh>
> I just use a very fine flat hand grater for it. Yes, it's hard work but
> it's good for the forearm muscles!
> Kat


I'm almost ashamed to admit that the 3 of us have gone through about 6
pounds of parmesano-reggiano (sp?) in the last 5 months! In my defense, we
have done a bit of entertaining and have made a few food gifts to share that
'may' have had a pit of parmesan in them... We've been ordering it from
Zingerman's and MAN does it rock! It truly has been the best parmesan that
I've ever eaten.

Cyndi P. Armesan