Thread: Poaching Ribs
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"Brick" > wrote in message

> On 26-Mar-2005, "Ch" > wrote:
>> Ok - I Do Believe that one should not precook ribs before smoking,
>> but I saw
>> this home made sauce that uses the juices from poaching the ribs
>> before smoking them, and I got to say, it look like Great Sauce!
>> Maybe just cutting off a rib or two and cooking it down some to
>> flavor the sauce would work well too?
>> What do you think?

> I wouldn't cut any off. Instead, I'd use a catch pan under the
> otherwise
> cooking ribs to catch the drippings. Those drippings along with
> their
> smoky flaver could then be used to flaver a sauce. I haven't done it
> before, but don't see why it wouldnt work. Easy to do with an offset
> cooker like mine. Not so easy with a Weber kettle.

> Maybe the Kamado
> folk will tell us how they'd to it in their big flower pots. <g>

Like I said in another post, I don't have any use for sauce on ribs,
unless I over-cooked them and dried them out...

BUT, when I cook a tender beef roast and want an "au-jus" I will put a
heat deflector (pizza stone wrapped in foil) on either the lower
bracket or the main grill with a drip pan sitting on the stone. The
meat goes on a grill over the drip pan while the drip pan collects the
juices, like in your idea. BUT, don't leave the drippings in for the
entire cook or they will become too "smokey" and can possibly burn.