Thread: Poaching Ribs
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Leonard Lehew wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 20:19:33 GMT, "Ch"
> > wrote:
>> Ok - I Do Believe that one should not precook ribs before smoking,
>> but I saw this home made sauce that uses the juices from poaching
>> the ribs before smoking them, and I got to say, it look like Great
>> Sauce!

> You could certainly use any kind of rich meat stock as a base for a
> sauce for ribs.
>> Maybe just cutting off a rib or two and cooking it down some to
>> flavor the sauce would work well too?
>> What do you think?

> A rib or two won't produce enough flavor in a stock to make a
> difference. You will probably need a lot more bones and meat. Pork is
> not commonly used as the main base for a stock, though it is sometimes
> used in combination with other meats. To my taste, pork contributes
> sort of a "fleshy" taste to a stock. A bit of that is OK, but not very
> appealing as the main flavor component of a stock.

I guess you've never made pea soup or any kind of lentil soup with a
ham-based stock? I do it all the time; no complaints from my husband or
